Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Life passion

Toastmasters taught me many things I did not learn from school.

When I was working for a Multinational European firm, I benefited most as a
Asian , the ability to speak up when needed.

Later in life when I begin to command more respect and have climbed to the
higher rungs of the corporate ladder, I gained from Toastmasters the ability
to set goals, make actions plans, and deal with people, including the
difficult ones.

Toastmasters is all about communication. Communication means we have to
interact with more than one human being. Communication skills are best
learned by working in a team. So I have always put emphasis on working
in a team even when sometimes working alone seems the easier way out. And I
continuously create opportunities for team work, sub committees, joint
meetings, conventions, and of late, the Joint Installation Dinner.

After 30 years of continuous membership, I make Toastmasters my passion,
my way of life.

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