Vision 2020 simply means aim for 20 clubs and each club having a minimum membership strength of 20.
When a club's membership falls below charter strength of 20
- meeting quality deteriorates
- club does not enough members to play even the basic meeting roles
- guests who visit the club do not have a good impression of the club and so normally do not even consider joining
- the finacial status of the club is challenged. The membership collections simply cannot cope with venue and meeitng expenses.
When no action is taken , most clubs like this drift into oblivion. There are many examples of such clubs even within our own Division.
After we have attained the minimum requirement of 12 clubs to claim full Division status, it is logical to launch vision 20 20.
More clubs and more members means we have a larger pool of talents to ensure varied and stimulating meetings.
And should you sit back and reflect at this moment, you will realize that the primary objective of you joining the Toastmasters movement is to tap that intelledctual stimulus to spur you towards improvements in leadership and communication skills.
When we have the critical mass, meaning enough clubs and enough members,
- meetings become interesting
- clubs have enough participants and financial strength to organize bigger events
- guests are impressed, and ready to consider joining the club
And all the clubs in the Division is poised for many years of fulfilling and rewarding Toastmasters programs.