Division A was President's Distinguished Division for the term 2007/2008.
I am truly elated.
This accolade is especially meaningfull to me for several reasons.
Firstly, I inherited a division that has been on the chopping board for years. This achievement is going to be the turning point for many of us here as far as the perception what we should do to stay strong as a division. I fulfilled my pledge when I took office as Division Governor ie. to make Divison A a full fledged division with minimum 12 clubs. We actually finished the term with 13 clubs. Wow! mission accompished.
Secondly, the good performance is almost across the board.....so to speak. 2 out of 3 areas were Preisdent's Distinguished, 5 out of 11 clubs were President's Distingushed. The award is only part of it. What is more important is that we were able to bring back that committment to excellence at every level- divison,area,club and to the level of individual members. Wow ! this is almost equivalent to " reengineering " of the whole division.
And thirdly, the last time we achieved President's Distinguished status was in 1998, when I was Division A Governor. Wow, I really feel good!
E T Lee
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