Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Now is the time

Now is the Time !
We often speak of big plans. New year resolutions……Mow the garden grass…..Prepare the next Toastmasters assignment……
Very often these plans do not turn into actions. Resolutions were not worked upon….the garden is turning into a secondary jungle and you are still stagnant at the same assignment .
We all have wish list.
We want to be a better communicator. When that is not achieved.. ….. we add that in next year’s wish list.
We want to be a distinguished Toastmaster. When that is not achieved…. We add to the list again.
We want this, we want that. Eventually our list become that long….
Have we ever pause for a moment and take actions on those nice plans we have made.
Now is the time, we all take stock of what we are passionate about and make things happen.
Why is it so difficult for us to put our feet down and say the magic words NOW IS THE TIME, NOW IS THE TIME to get things done?
How often do you tell yourself that : “I want to be a good speaker” So when will you be a one?
Now is the time! Now is the time you make you plans come true.
How many time you told yourself : “ I want to be a Distinguished Toastmaster ! ”
Now is the time! Now is the time you should start working on the manuals, fulfill all the criteria for certification as a Distinguished Toastmaster.
By starting to work on it I mean get on with your next planned step .
So when is the right time to get on with your next project? Next meeting? Tomorrow? After this contest?
Now is the time! Now is the time you are youngest in your entire life. Yesterday is a goner. Tomorrow may not come. Or tomorrow the same circumstances may not exist. So now is the time you are youngest , strongest, healthiest and most passionate about what you want get done.
You probably think: we have a lot things to do. We cannot simply say NOW IS THE TIME to everything that come across our mind ? I agree that we will go berserk trying do everything at the same time.
I would like to leave you with a simple test to guide you on what you should do next.
Are you passionate about that item on your wish list ?
If the answer is yes, Now is the time to get on it.
Ladies and gentlemen…….when is the right time to do something you passionate about ?
Now is the time!