Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Followers Vs Leaders

I learned something while helping to organize the Joint Installation.

There are two types of people; the Follower and the Leader.

Typically followers wait for instructions. They usually ask :
What should I do next?
Then ?
How do you want me do it ?

The Leaders , on the other hand ask:
What do you want me to do?
What is my mission?
What should I achieve?

Followers have many questions after getting an answer to the innitial question.

Leaders ask THEMSELVES the following question : Did I achieve what I set out to do?

Followers wait for recognition before willing to proceed to the next task.

Leaders are spurred on by the achievements they have made.

So are you a leader or a follower?

Did you come to Toastmasters to learn to be a leader, or a follower?

E T Lee, DTM